Firstly, in comparison, both articles are about a popular topic within the scientific community. Also both of these stories give the point of view of the …show more content…
This is an important factor as it gives a window into what the article is truly about. By allowing the audience to view how the main character feels about the given topic both strengthens and weakens their essays. On one hand, this truly gives all the positive points of the article due to the character being very passionate about the topic. On the other hand, by only giving one side of the topic, the author is completely ignoring the opposite side of the topic. Similarly, to one another, both essays discussed modern theories within science and provided background on what exactly the theory was and how it tied into the reason of the essay.
Secondly, in contraction, while both articles have a few similar points they are still vastly different papers. The first story, Sex, Drugs, Disasters, and the Extinction of Dinosaurs is obviously about dinosaurs. It begins with the authors point of view on science and breaks down into what the