Comparing The American Dream In Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin In The Sun

Words: 532
Pages: 3

Ciara Willheart
Ms. Jones
American Literature
1 June 2015 The American Dream in A Raisin in the Sun In Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, Lena fulfilled her “American dream” while Beneatha’s was deferred, but only after they thought about their dream and chose what was best for their family. Lena achieved her goal, although Beneatha wasn’t as fortunate with her dream. Beneatha is a young college student, who is gullible to new things. She is caring but also has a smart mouth. Lena is the mother of Beneatha, she is kind and try’s very hard to provide the best she can for her family. When you hear the American dream what do you think of? The most common would be freedom, fortune, and stability. In this article the american dream is explained as the american dream based on things like future building and homeownership. "The U.S remains the worlds land of opportunities" so as it seem all opportunity's are here. There are international groups coming to america
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None other Lena better known as mama. As stated for many people american dream mamas was to own her own house and be financial stable. She has had that dream for many years ago before big Walter passed on. "You should know all the dreams I had 'bout buying that house.."(Hansberry 19). A nice place to raise he family was all she wanted but instead ended up stuck in the same "rat trap" for many years. She sure keep that dream in mind didn't give up. What she did to achieve her american dream was to use the insurance money from big Walters death to buy a house for her ,her two children, grandson, and daughter in law . "..went out and bout you a house !"(Hansberry 56). Mama was so blessed to reach what she always wanted. Mama took the challenge of providing for her family. Buying a house has a lot to come with