Comparing The Confederate Flag And Systemic Injustice

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Pages: 4

The debate surrounding the flying of the Confederate flag is not merely a matter of historical pride versus political correctness; it delves deep into the ethical complexities of racism, civil disobedience, and systemic injustice. Using Michele Moody-Adams' essay "Racism," Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail," and Iris Marion Young’s “Political Responsibility and Structural Injustice” concept analysis to look at Bree Newsome's act of protest, in scaling the flagpole to remove the Confederate flag and determine whether the display of the Confederate flag in public spaces perpetuates patterns of inequality and discrimination. By examining these ethical dimensions, we can better navigate the complexities of the Confederate flag debate and strive towards a more just and equitable society. In …show more content…
Finally, flying the Confederate flag can be understood as a form of systemic injustice according to Iris Marion Young's analysis of the concept. Young defines systemic injustice as "patterns of unequal social relations that are rooted in the everyday practices of a society's institutions" (Young, 2003, p. 45). In the case of the Confederate flag, its display in public spaces reflects and reinforces systemic racism by perpetuating symbols of white supremacy and exclusion, especially as groups today like the Ku Klux Klan as a symbol for such. The flag serves as a reminder of the historical injustices endured by African Americans and perpetuates patterns of inequality and discrimination in society. Therefore, flying the Confederate flag constitutes a form of structural injustice that must be addressed through collective action and social change. A good place to start is by removing it from display in public, government-associated places, like the South Carolina State House