Comparing The Dust Bowl, Grapes Of Wrath And The Circuit

Words: 392
Pages: 2


In the story we will talk about The Dust Bowl,Grapes Of Wrath and The Circuit. In the dust bowl they kind of have the same thing in the grapes of wrath they have to deal with dust storms but in the circuit. It is telling that the narrator has been going from place to place to get work for money.

The dust bowl

In the dust bowl there is this event where there is a big cloud of darkness and the people go into their houses then the dust storm (the cloud of darkness). Then the livestock died out. The plants did so the people had to move out too so they can get to a place so they can grow food and buy livestock for more food. And the prices went high for food and other things.

The grapes of wrath

In the grapes of wrath, it has the