Comparing The European Conquest And Colonization Of India

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Pages: 3

Prior to the European conquest and colonization of India, the subcontinent was the home of several early civilizations beginning in the Bronze Age. Archeologists have uncovered the remains of major urban centers dating from about 2300 BC in the Indus Valley, which appeared to be agrarian, very affluent, literate, advanced in astronomy and mathematics, and well planned. These early cities were probably destroyed by natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes. Around 1500 BC Aryan and Vedic nomads settled in the Indus Valley, conquering and assimilating with the indigenous population. These settlers brought the caste system, Hinduism, and Buddhism to the region. Christianity came to the region in first century AD, however, the majority of the native population remained Hindu. In the seventh …show more content…
This empire began to decline in the years prior to the arrival of the first European explorers and traders in the early sixteenth century. However, the affluence, magnificence, and pageantry of the Indian civilization impressed the Europeans.
India was primarily colonized by European merchants from Portugal, 1498, the Netherlands, 1600, Great Britain, 1619, and France, 1674. These European merchants initially built forts, factories, and settlements just beyond the borders of the existing Indian empire, to facilitate trade. The two most successful and influential companies were the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company. In the mid-eighteenth century Great Britain began a successful campaign