What is the hero`s journey?
The hero’s journey or monomyth is a pattern of events which most of the stories follow. The main character passes through a cicle which contains a series of events that can change the charater’s status quo. The journey is divided in 3 parts Departure, Initiation and Return and 17 stages. The journey always starts and ends on the ordinary world but the character status quo is upgraded due to what the character has been through on the special world.
Dido of Carthage monomyth:
This myth talks about king matan´s daughter who sailed to a no man´s land located in after her husband was killed by her brother: Pygmalion, here she constructed a city which she called Carthage (new city) , this city grew a lot and became one of the most developed cities. Jarbas (king of the Labyan Natives) heard of this and wanted to marry Dido to take all of Carthage, but Dido did not let this happen and she made a self-built pyre and burned herself, another version of Dido’s death talks about Eneas going to Carthage and both falling in love with each other, …show more content…
A she-wolf, took care of them, at that moment Faustulus (A sheperd) discovered them and took them over to his house with his wife. As the twins grew they started hunting, but not only animals but robbers. One day the robbers took revenge and they captured Remus then they went to king claiming he was a criminal. Romulus and Remus were both creating groups for the same purpose: Ambushing the king. When Romulus army attacked the king Remus army came for helping and together they were able to oust the king. Since both were twins none of them could claim the reign by age, so they decided that it should be a decision from the gods. First Remus sign came: six vultures, and the Romulus sign was twelve vultures,