setting, on the other hand, Justice Hugo Black argues that no one has a right to
give a speech or engage in demonstrations where he pleases and when he
Justice Abe Fortes points are valid because he sites evidence from court
cases, as well as, the constitution when Fortes stated “undifferentiated fear or
apprehension of disturbance is not enough to overcome the right to freedom of
expression,” (4) Fortes is saying that fear cannot take away freedom. Also,
schools cannot take away freedom to avoid discomfort. Fortes also stated “the
vigilant protection of constitutional freedoms is nowhere more vital than in the
community of American schools,” (3) he is saying that freedom of expression is …show more content…
Whether or not the state realizes it the state has to respect the
fact that you are protected by the constitution. Fortes also stated that “…
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students are entitled to freedom of expression of their views,” (9) Fortes is
basically saying that the students have the right to express their feelings. The
students have a right to give a speech to tell how one feels about it.
Justice Hugo Black argues that one does not have a right to give a speech
or engage in demonstrations where he pleases and when he pleases. Black
states the court case Cox VS. Louisiana “do not mean that everyone with
opinions or beliefs to express many address a group at any place or any time,”
he is saying that anyone should not be permitted to say what they believe at any
time or place. Justice Hugo Black points are valid, although his arguments are
not thorough. Black also expresses concern that the disciplinary regulations are
“reasonable” rather than school officials. However he did not