Comparison Of Psychodynamic And Pathological Gambling

Words: 557
Pages: 3

Gambling is a complicated behaviour in how it is approached psychologically, as it has multiple types of approaches. The behavioural approach can explain gambling through conditioning and the learning theory, while the biological approach uses brain chemistry and development.

Problem and pathological gambling have many explanatory reasons, however there is no singular accepted model for explaining this type of behaviour. A theoretical model that is connected to gambling is the learning theory, which is effectively operant and classical conditioning. A report from the Australian Psychological Society explains that the learning theory uses a combination of operant and classical conditioning principles to justify the process of addiction to gambling.

This use of the biological approach can help explain what happens to those who are addicted to gambling; however, this approach can also
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The nervous system is usually looking for actions that will cause pleasure, usually through the form of dopamine or other positive chemicals that our bodies produce. When the brain connects a pattern between actions and these chemicals, it is stored in the part of the brain that contains emotions and memories, which is often why habits are unconscious activities. When this is applied to negative behaviours, such as gambling, it can often lead to disconnections between other aspects of life, such as mental wellness and social relationships. Forming habits when it comes to addiction and gambling can lead to a decrease in dopamine over time and chasing bigger and bigger wins which is often harmful and can set a false hope of winning back what they've spent. Advertising can easily create the illusion of having a greater chance of winning than there is leading these types of people to chase a win in order to receive dopamine and