competitve analyses Essays

Submitted By shekoofeh20
Words: 499
Pages: 2


1. Essay

Due Date: Thursday, 27 March 2014, 1pm in hardcopy (5pm in softcopy)
Marks: 20%
Length: 1500 words

Research and write an essay which describes the central concerns of human resource management (HRM) and of industrial relations (IR), and how they are similar and different.
Then outline the current industrial/employment relations system in New Zealand (including possible upcoming changes) and what this means for HRM in the workplace.

You are expected to draw on, and cite in your essay, a range of relevant references. For example: the course textbook, the Chapter 5 from Macky (2008), which is provided on Blackboard, other source books or articles from the library (many are online), and information from government websites (e.g., the Labour group at Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment).

The current industrial and employment relations in New Zealand was developed in the 19th century alongside other western countries, New Zealand adapted to the British methods of managing employment in a work place. The practices that were adapted by New Zealand were employment laws, guidelines and regulations to manage employees and employers in the work place; this set the scene for the next 100 or so years. The starter of this legislation dramatically altered the structure of trade unionism and transformed the interaction between employees, employers and the state. Even though industrial disputes are rare in New Zealand history the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1894 (Ref) was designed to embolden employers to settle disputes by conciliation. The aim of the Employment Relations Act (Ref) for New Zealand’s employment concept was to build beneficial employment relationships through the theory of mutual trust and confidence in all aspects of the employment environment and of the employment relationship. The Act is also designed to focus on recognising that employment relationships must be built on good faith behaviour; and the importance of addressing an assumption of inequality between the parties to the relationship in terms of bargaining power.

Another purpose of the Act is to promote collective