Complementary Services Essay example

Submitted By rwynne25
Words: 463
Pages: 2

Rachel Layman
OL - 265
Nonprofit Complementary Services

The nonprofit organization in my community that I have chosen to profile is Salmon Valley Stewardship (SVS), a nonprofit organization here in Salmon, Idaho. SVS’ mission is that they “work to promote a sustainable economy and productive working landscapes in the Salmon River region of Central Idaho.” Essentially, this means that SVS works to strike a balance between conservation efforts and utilizing the natural assets of the Salmon River region of Central Idaho for the economic well-being of the communities in that region (, 2012). I conducted some research to come up with a few organizations in the area that offer complementary services to SVS’ work.
The first organization I found is the University of Idaho Lemhi County Extension Office (UIE). UIE’s focus is to “resource management in agriculture, natural resources, family life development, food safety, health and nutrition, community development, and 4-H and youth development” UIE works in community development, community health and wellbeing, and sustainable agriculture. This is similar because SVS works in sustainable agriculture as well, as they manage a collaborative called the Salmon Local Foods Group (, 2015).
Lemhi Regional Land Trust (LRLT) is another organization – a nonprofit – which offers complementary services. LRLT focuses strictly on managing conservation easements in the area, which protect large tracts of valuable land from being subdivided and developed irresponsibly. Essentially, LRLT keeps working lands “working” in an agricultural sense and protect tracts of open space. (, 2015).
Lemhi County Economic Development Association (LCEDA) does exactly what its name implies. LCEDA is a nonprofit organization that works to promote economic development in Lemhi County. SVS also does economic development work, however, one clear difference is that SVS strictly works in economic development with regard to the use of natural assets of the Salmon River region.