Using appropriate software you must create an information leaflet which will describes the 5 main computer systems (PC, Laptop, Mobile Phones, Apple Mac & Tablet PCs) that are used today. The leaflet must include images of all 5 of the computer systems and also explain where they are normally used and what main hardware and software components they normally come with. The average cost for each computer system must also be included.For this task create a leaflet which describes: a) The 5 main computer systems (PC, Laptop, Mobile Phone, Apple Mac & Tablet PC) b) Images of all 5 computer systems. c) What each computer systems are normally used for. d) The main hardware & software components they normally come with. e) The average cost of each computer system.Criterion met. P2 P2 describe the purpose of different types of computer systems. | Task 2: Common Hardware Components Available | P1 P3 | Awarded | |
Produce a report that identifies and explains the common hardware components of a computer system (processor type & processor speed, memory – RAM, ROM, CACHE, storage devices – Hard drive, USB Memory Stick, DVD, Motherboard, PSU, Input Devices – Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, web cam, Output Devices – Monitor, Printer, Speakers). Please use images of the hardware components to support your explanations. The report must also describe the 2 main pieces of software that can be found on a computer system (operating systems & applications). Finally draw a diagram that clarifies how data flows through a computer system. Please annotate the diagram clearly to help explain each stage of the process.Summary of evidence required for Task 2:For this task prepare a report