Computer Graphics Syllabus
Welcome to Computer Graphics at Milan High School. This course provides an introduction technology, blended online learning, and basic concepts of graphic design. Our primary graphics creation tools are
. Gimp is a robust photo editing program similar to
Adobe Photoshop. The class will also build on what students have learned in middle school about basic office-suite programs like OpenOffice Writer, Draw and Impress.
experience in computers or graphic design is not required for this course.
Materials you will need every day
● A pencil and loose leaf paper
● A two pocket folder (to keep notes and graded work in)
● Headphones to listen to video tutorials in class
Units of Study
● Introduction to Technology Tools
○ Introduction to Schoology, GMail, Google Drive, and other social media tools
○ Computer navigation, file storage, and password management, etc.
○ Drawing and editing original graphics with Paint and Gimp
○ File types commonly used in computer graphics
● Introduction Gimp
○ Creating objects, patterns and backgrounds with filters
○ Creating objects with selection tools
○ Creating 3d objects with the paths tool
● Image Manipulation Techniques
○ Using Gimp to crop and resize images
○ Consideration of scale and image resolution
○ Adding effects to images and text
● Design is Purposeful
○ Introduction to basic design and marketing concepts
○ Ad analysis and development
○ Select Gimp techniques to add visual interest to images
○ Application of layout conventions in an original ad
● Design is Informational
○ Masks and selection techniques
○ Use of images and color to tell graphical stories
○ Application of masks to create greeting cards and post cards
Skill Development
Listed below are some of the key skills we will focus on in this class:
● Application of graphic design concepts in creating digital media
● Basic technology literacy
● Collaboration and written communication
● Work ethics and professionalism
● Literacy (readings that focus on technology)
Total Points
Students will be graded using a total points system.
duties, and
will generally be 5 to 10 points.
points will vary based on the length of the project. Students will also be expected to maintain their
. This assignment includes logging any issues with the workstation and taking reasonable action to fix any problems.
Mr. Morelock
Semester Grade
1st (3rd) Quarter
2nd (4th) Quarter
Final Project
Grading Scale:
87 (B+)
77 (C+)
93 (A)
83 (B)
73 (C)
90 (A-)
80 (B-)
70 (C-)
69 and below (F)
Attendance and Make-up Work
● Excused Absences: Late work may be turned in without penalty (see below)
● Unexcused Absences: Penalties apply from the date of the absence
Late Work
Assignments may be turned in at any time after the due date with a 10% penalty applied.
● Absolutely no food or drink in the lab
● Students are not permitted in any space behind the teacher’s desk without permission
● Backpacks are to be placed under the desks (out of walkways and off counters)
● Students must have permission to use printers, cutting board(s), scanners
● A quiet start is expected every day
● Check the out bin for worksheets and graded work at the beginning of class
● Complete the workstation log at the beginning and end of every class period
● Check the
Daily Agenda