A Description Of Guillian Barre

Submitted By brandigriffith40
Words: 343
Pages: 2

Brandi Griffith concept map #2 Guillian Barre

Pathophysiology: GBS is an acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy that affects the peripheral nervous system, causing motor weakness and sensory abnormalities.
Ascending muscle weakness, flaccid paralysis, decreased or absent deep tendon reflexes, respiratory compromise and respiratory failure, loss of bowel and bladder control, ataxia, pain, paresthesis, facial weakness, dysphagia, diplopia, difficulty speaking, labile blood pressure, cardiac dysrhythmias, tachycardia
Treating with plasma exchange or immunoglobin, implementing PE For ambulatory adult patient who seek treatments within four weeks of the development of symptoms, use of iv immunoglobin for ambu patients who seek treatment within two weeks of onset of symptoms, and no corticosteroids and last medically necessary! Pain is typically treated with patient controlled analgesia or continue as iv drip. Other drugs include Neurontin or tricyclic antidepressants
There are no single clinical or lab findings to confirm but there may be a lumbar puncture to test CSF for protein increase which usually occurs due to release of plasma protein from inflammation, degeneration and damage to the nerve roots
Nursing interventions: Nursing interventions include a priority intervention of airway management, with the patient undergoing plasmapheresis interventions include providing information in reassurance, weighing the patient before and after the procedure, in caring for, if used,