• What are higer officials doing trying to solve this problem?
• How do concussions happen?
• Are there different types of concussions?
• What can players do to help lower the chance of getting a concussion?
The research for this paper has been very difficult, and time consuming. I used net tracker a tool provided to us by our school. This tool gave me the ability to get good information that is ligament and accurate to my topic of concussion safety. It made getting information easier and faster. To get started on my senior project I needed to contact someone who was involved in football and also a leader in providing safety for young athletes. So I contacted Miller, he is the athletic director at FFY and is very much involved in young athletes and their safety.
He told me how big my problem really was is in football and was excited to work with me on making a plan to get concussion safety out there to young football players. From my own personal experience with concussions I feel that many daily tasks are much harder. For example doing things that involve a lot of memorizing for me are so much harder than what they use to be for me. This is called post-concussion syndrome:
The consequences can be profound. Dr. Bailes, who chairs the University of West Virginia's department of neurology, said studies of retired NFL players have shown athletes who suffered three or more concussions are three times