Confederate Monuments Research Paper

Words: 1344
Pages: 6

Recently history has hit the headlines. The overwhelming issue of whether or not Confederate monuments should be removed has many up in arms-- in some cases, such as Charlottesville, Virginia, literally. Those for the removal of the statues argue that they honor a cruel regime and support the rapist views white supremacy, while those opposing the removal argue that removing the statues would damage the preservation of America's history and lead to the removal of statues depicting other historical figures like President George Washington or Thomas Jefferson. One thing both sides do agree on, though for very different reasons, is that the Confederate monuments hold great historical significance not only for individual people but for The United …show more content…
It is a time perpetuated by the cruelty and subjugation of our fellow man and there are those who would like nothing more than to just forget about America's darkest hour and move on. Yet the statues and monuments of the Confederacy remain, standing in town squares and in public parks all across America honoring a defeated rebellion that supported the enslavement and gross mistreatment of African Americans. Author Lucas Johnson went as far as to described the Confederate monuments as manifestations of "a set of ideas that aimed to completely dehumanize and merchandize African Americans with no foreseeable conclusion.", which also brushed upon these statue's ability to perpetuate these out dated sentiments as long as they remain as they are without some sort of monitoring or clearly stated interpretation ("Confederate Monuments Should Be Removed..."). It is easy for many to look up at these Confederate monuments and see only the horrible acts committed during the slavery and segregation eras or even just the tragedies of the civil war itself but it is much harder to see the historical significance of the monuments. Without guidance Confederate monuments loss, the only thing that makes them worth keeping around, and that is for the chance to learn and grow from the mistakes of the