Conrad's Mental Health Case

Words: 436
Pages: 2


Conrad has lots of problems, first priority to seek help for depression, and low self-esteem. Client has problem communicating effectively with parents and peers. He is experience trouble sleeping, along with nightmares. Conrad needs to increase nutritional intake. Conrad needs to learn new social skills. He also needs to learn way that can help with concentrating in class.


Conrad will seek help for depression, low self-esteem, and learn way to cope with stress.


1. Conrad will start therapy with Dr. Berger for depression a) Conrad will start getting seven or eight hours of sleep each night in order to function daily.
b) Conrad will attend bi-weekly grieving classes and will learn basics
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Conrad will learn we social skills that will help him deal with stress by
a) Conrad will exercise every day for about half an hour
b) Conrad will make an effort to open up, and socializing with old friends and making new friends
c) Conrad will make positive affirmations every day
d) Conrad will start caring for self by dressing well, and having a healthy balanced diet
Progress toward these objectives will be reviewed and evaluated by means of the following procedures or methods:

Client and social worker will work together, and keep track of progress by various methods.
The method we will be using is Goal Attainment Scaling. During GAS, both the social worker and client will identify and weigh how important each goal is they agreed upon and each goal will be given a number from 1-10. 1 being least important and 10 being most important. The worker and client will then generate five descriptive predictions concerning the possible outcomes for the chosen goals. The predictions will provide the client and social worker with markers on which to base the evaluation of