Consalvo believes that “games and the Internet are structured spaces to experiment with” meaning she personally thinks violent games allow kids who are in subordinate positions to find some type of alter-ego in these virtual worlds and build up a sense of dominance in places they may be denied in the real world (Consalvo, 2003, 245). This argument becomes convincing as she builds it up saying it allows “expression of alternative masculinities” and “play-acting different versions of themselves” making the idea of these games almost desirable, I mean who wouldn't want an outlet to feel powerful and dominant whenever desired (Consalvo, 2003, 245)? She even takes it farther to use Harris as an example, saying he created a web site which gave him a healthy way to express himself and create a type of dominance on his own. However as convincing as she might make it, Consalvos claim that having an outlet to express violence over internet rather than in real life can be shut down in one sentence. If it were true,, than Harris and Klebold would not have needed to kill 15 people, as they unfortunately did. So once again, her argument is