As marketing students of Glamorgan University, we are carrying out research on the obesity epidemic, which his costing taxpayers over £4 billion a year (BBC NEWS 2010). We feel using effective marketing strategies the NHS can stop obesity. Through research like this we can help build a brighter and healthier future. All information will be anonymous and kept confidential and used for research purposes only….
Please could you carefully answer the following questions by ticking the appropriate box…
1) Age category? * 0-15 □ * 16-29 □ * 30-49 □ * 50+ □
2) Sex? * Male □ * Female □ * Other □
3) Occupational Status? Tick up to 2 boxes * Full time work □ * Part time Work □ * Full time Student □ * Part time Student □ * Other □
4) Which Ethnic Group do you belong in? * White □ * Mixed / multiple ethnic groups □ * Asian / Asian British □ * Black / African / Caribbean / Black British □ * Other ethnic group □
5) Does it concern you that Britain has the second highest rate of obesity in the world? * Yes □ * No □
6) Have you been effected by obesity personally or know somebody who has? * Yes □ * No □
7) How helpful has the NHS been to responding to your obesity enquiries through its different customer service platforms? For example call centres online forums etc. Please circle one number from 1 being Not very helpful to 5 being Extremely Helpful. 1 2 3 4 5
8) Have you been satisfied by NHS strategies to prevent obesity? * Very Satisfied □ * Satisfied □ * Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied □ * Unsatisfied □ * Very Unsatisfied □
9) How frequently do you notice a marketing campaign on obesity? For example TV adverts, posters, E-marketing etc. * Always □ * Very Frequently □ * Occasionally □ * Rarely □ * Very Rarely □ * Never □
10) Would you agree NHS can use the media more effectively to promote its obesity marketing campaigns? Please circle one number from 1 being strongly agree to 5 being strongly disagree. 1 2 3 4