More over, lets not forget that multinationals which invest in third world countries have been, numerous occasion, involved in different scandals involving improper disposal of chemical wastes and lack of safety in work environments. Many times, this toxic waste negatively affects the local agriculture as the same water is used for irrigation purposes, it affects the wild life and the natural habitat and overall its increases health related issues in the local communities where these factories and manufacturing plants are located. This problem does not end here, most of the times, these very multinational companies which produce to satisfy the growing demand from consumers worldwide, have been involved in exporting toxic materials to the developing countries (3).
The demand for goods and services in directly proportional to consumerism, and to satisfy that demand, countries need more and more electricity. One of the most expensive and hazardous way to produce electricity is by using nuclear energy, which unfortunately is prevalent in the developing world despite the fact alternative sources of energy such as wind and solar panels could be used. The nuclear waste produces by nuclear power stations, producing electricity, is a direct threat to the local community and even the entire region especially in case of a nuclear accident. In 2009 , “The Guardian” newspaper reported one such series of incidents in certain Indian cities where nuclear power plants were located. Physical disabilities, birth defects such as a cerebral palsy started appearing in young children living the communities close to these power plants. This reinforces the fact, that nuclear waste is not a only a threat to the local communities but also to the future generations. However in pursuit of consumerism, companies forgo the rights of local communities and