Contact Dermatitis Case Study Essay

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Pages: 5

The primary issue that the individual in the case presents a fungal infection on his hands and feet; tinea pedis and tinea manuum, more commonly called ringworm. If this patient truly has tinea based on thorough evaluation, then he will have to apply therapeutic ointments because the infection is only superficial and noninvasive treatments would suffice.
This patient has spent most of their time recently with the star football player of a college team. The two have primarily been doing activities that involve substantial amounts of direct and indirect contact like football practices, working out in the gym, and spending time in the football player’s dorm room. The patient began to develop superficial red-scaly patches on their hands and feet that can be peeled. The fact that the patient has spent large amounts of time in locations that are known to house and spread contagious fungi is a clue that points into the direction of fungal infections.
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), individuals
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Both tinea and contact dermatitis present with obvious red patches that can eventually dry and peel off. Contact dermatitis would not be a viable option for what this patient has because contact dermatitis would be mainly due to irritant contact or contact with an allergic reaction causing antibody for the patient. The redness from contact dermatitis would have also appeared within hours of contact; there is no time frame for this patient’s symptoms, invalidating time as a variable in correlating the signs to contact dermatitis (Contact Dermatitis and Latex Allergy, 2013). The patient has not mentioned symptoms relating to itching. The patient also does not have a known history relating to allergies and the patient has not been in contact with latex or other common objects that can cause the reaction for this patient; concluding that the improbability of contact