Containment: Database and Care Products Database Essay

Submitted By kmiller99
Words: 296
Pages: 2

Contaminant Report

For this report you will make use of one or more databases created by the “environmental working group”

Relevant databases include:

“cosmetics and home care products database”

“Cleaning Products Database”

Others may be browsed on the EWG website as desired.

Use this online database to conduct a small investigation on 6-12 of the household products (e.g. soap, cleaner, shampoo, dishsoap) you have in your home (using the appropriate database for your product type). Alternately, if you choose to be more anonymous with the products you use, you may choose 6-12 household products available in stores nearby your home (please list store or stores chosen).

For the first part of the report, neatly record the database results for the products you chose, including the name of the product, the number it was rated, as well as at least a few of the “problem” ingredients, if any in your products, and any other pertinent information.

For the second part of the report, write up a 2-3 paragraph discussion of your investigation detailing the following: (a) Were there any patterns in what you found or in where (the kinds of products) you found these contaminants? What health risks were associated with the contaminants and/or potentially harmful ingredients that you found in your everyday products? (b) Did any of your products have low or no contaminants/harmful ingredients?