Controversy: Comprehensive Sex Education In Public Schools

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Pages: 3

Okay, Now Everybody Take Some Rubbers.
English A111

“At your age, you're going to have a lot of urges. You're going to want to take off your clothes, and touch each other. But if you do touch each other, you will get Chlamydia... and die.” Coach Carr, the health/gym teacher from the comedy Mean Girls satirically personified the American sex education system in all its glory. When sex education was first introduced to public schools it undoubtedly brought controversy with it. Today, however, the controversy lies not in whether sex education should be taught in schools, but how it should be taught. Many believe that comprehensive sex educational programs should be implemented; some parents would rather their children be taught a curriculum centered on abstinence. Abstinence teaches that a mutual monogamous relationship is the standard of human sexual activity, while excluding important information about contraceptives and STI prevention. By focusing on a curriculum based on abstinence, teenagers do not properly learn about the dangers of unsafe sex.
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If both parents and teachers tell students to “just say no to premarital sex” then they are putting their children and students in danger. They will be more susceptible to unwanted teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. By forbidding teenagers to have sex, increases their desire to rebel and engage in sexual activity. increases It has been seen that even among adolescents who have pledged to remain abstinent until marriage, many of them had sexual intercourse before marriage Thus, there is little evidence that abstinence-only education leads to actually abstaining, and it is crucial for all adolescents to learn how to protect themselves when they do engage in sexual