Coral Bleaching Research Paper

Words: 1118
Pages: 5

Coral reef bleaching has been a problem for the beautiful ocean life. The coral has been drained from all its color by the warmth of the sun. When the ocean temperature gets too hot to fast or too cold to fast the coral tends to lose its color. Basically, it’s the loss of intracellular endosymbiosis through either expulsion or loss of algal pigmentation. In simpler terms, the coral loses its color and all plant life that makes up the corals colors because of the hot temperatures. Most of the time people believe that coral is in fact a plant, but it’s actually a live creature. The coral reef is the greeting place for many fish and sea life as well as tourists. Some coral reefs can hold five different species of sea turtles, 500 species of fish, about 1,700 species of mollusks and hundreds of species of sponges. These organisms thrive in the coral. Many of animals are forced to relocate their home on the reef due to bleaching. Coral reefs can also protect coastlines from storms. The way some coral are shaped can actually change a currents direction. Their shape and size can act like a barrier to the coast line and prevent harmful waves from crashing onto shores, though it’s only so long until the coral is affected.
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The plant life as well as the animal life is very important to coral. The algae along with the plant life leave the coral reef and head to a new one. This is severe because overpopulation species of fish and algae can occur at the new coral reef. Plants or sea life can go extinct in this process. For the habitat, it’s a deadly case because scientists are going to see some species go extinct, and others over populate. It is possible for a fish to not leave its home at the bleached coral, though there have been creatures found in the bleached coral who also have been partially bleached and sick. This can cause serious damage to the whole