Corruption In Macbeth

Words: 184
Pages: 1

Shakespeare is one of the most highly acclaimed writers in all of literature. Of his many known plays, the most widely interpreted is the play of Macbeth, the story of a man and his fruitless ambitions. Known as a dark, tragic story, it is difficult to untwist the tangled threads of Macbeth’s character from the skein woven of circumstance. A thane in high standing, he is told he will be king by three witches. His wife encourages him to kill the present king and take the throne. Despite his misgivings, he does so. To keep his purloined throne, Macbeth then turns on his closest friends, killing Banquo, and slaughtering Macduff’s wife and children. The lies and corruption spiral further and further as Macbeth tries to hold his ground