Could Gas Explosions Explain Bermuda Triangle Mystery?

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Pages: 4

Although many think that it does not exists, the Bermuda Triangle, has been a world renowned mystery for over 500 years. Starting with Columbus and going until present day many tourist, military, and other people traveling to Bermuda or Puerto Rico from Miami have endured the Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is up to 30,000 feet deep and about 500,000 square miles of ocean that is traveled quite regularly. Everyone has their own opinion about this natural phenomenon and what may cause all of the random disappearances in this very specific part of the Atlantic. Is it Aliens? Ocean floor gasses? It may even have something to do with the lost city of Atlantis. So the question lies, what is the real cause for these freak accidents?

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Tanya Lewis, the author of “Could Gas Explosions Explain Bermuda Triangle Mystery?”, says that the gas hydrates eruption could cause the disappearance of ships. These gasses will cause the water right above the hydrates to become less dense. This will cause any ship in this water to sink unexpectedly. This is one of the most logical of the different causes for disappearances in these waters, but it does not explain the multiple disappearances of aircraft in the Bermuda …show more content…
Scientist have proven the last theories are all possibilities as to why ships and aircraft go missing in the waters of the Bermuda. But one of the ideas about these waters has yet to be scientifically proven, aliens and extraterrestrials. This is a popular topic that many people actually believe to be true. Why else would ships and planes randomly disappear, gone without a trace, never to be heard from again? Ancient Code said that “This part of the world is not unfamiliar with UFO sightings, strange lights and strange phenomena and well you have to admit it, the name itself is a bit spooky.” But the question is, are the lights and “UFOs” people are seeing just a hoax to get people more interested in the controversy of whether or not aliens exist or are there extraterrestrial beings out there that have yet to be recorded in science? Either way, there is not enough proof to say that aliens are the cause of the Bermuda Triangle