Please read the supplementary notes before completing this form as you may need to provide supporting evidence/information that is not readily available. Please note:Making an application for a discount or exemption is not grounds for non payment of council tax. Payment must be made in accordance with the bill already issued until you have received confirmation that the request has been granted. Please complete all parts of this application. Please list all the residents in the property. Council Tax Account No: __________________ Property address. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Telephone number _____________ E-mail address___________________________ Please write in the spaces below the names of all occupiers over the age of 18, whether a student or not. Each occupier must also sign and date the declaration.
First Name
Date of birth
Date moved into property
Start date End date of course of course
Declaration (to be completed, signed and dated by all occupiers over the age of 18) I/we understand the information contained on this form is true and complete and I/we agree to notify the Council Tax section immediately should there be a change in circumstances that may affect our/my student discount or exemption. I/we understand that anyone who provides false information for the purpose of obtaining a council tax discount or exemption is committing an offence and may be liable for prosecution. The London Borough of Greenwich has a duty to protect the public funds it administers. Signed ………………………..Print full name………………………………….Date Signed ………………………..Print full name………………………………….Date Signed ………………………..Print full name………………………………….Date Signed ………………………..Print full name………………………………….Date Signed ………………………..Print full name………………………………….Date Signed ………………………..Print full name………………………………….Date (continue on a separate sheet if necessary) Please provide a council tax student certificate for each student. If you are claiming for your non-British dependant/spouse then please provide a copy of the visa where it states that they are not to take paid employment or have recourse to public funds. Do you own the property you now live