Yes I believe Steve has benefited from this relationship. He gained a lot more self- esteem than what he had to begin with. He has also learned to trust more people that are trying to help him with his journey. He got a lot out of the relationship, because not everyone is willing to help someone in his situation. So he has learned to trust and believe in more people.
Statement 9: Human service professionals recognize and build on the clients strengths. In this situation the counselor recognized and built on the clients weaknesses. The client wanted to use his weaknesses to help him become a better person. Steve didn’t want to overlook his weaknesses and or disabilities. He used those weaknesses and turned them into strengths. I feel that was not the normal thing to do, but in this situation it was the right thing to do. I will resolve this by showing myself that. It is important to follow ethical standards because it is to ensure that you are not over stepping your boundaries as a health care professional. If you overstep your boundaries, you may end up with a law suit. It is best to follow them even though they are not laws.
Kaplan Library
Halstead, Richard W. (2000, January). From tragedy to triumph: counselor as companion on the hero’s journey. Counseling & Values, 44(2), 100.NOHS National Organization for Human Services
Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals