Fall Semester 2014
School of Liberal Arts
Course Name: Composition II
Course Number: ENG 112
Section Number: 064
Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 3
Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 3
Instructor’s Name: Dr. Joy Ellen Parker
Office Hours & Location: MW 12:30-1:30; 3:30-5:30/TR 3:30-5:30 in FH 1026
Campus Phone: 567.661.7680
Campus E-mail: joy_parker@owens.edu
Additional Contact Information:
Reminder: You must email me using your Owens email, or I will not be able to respond to you.
Catalog Description: A directed writing course, which continues the process of learning to read and critically engage various texts. Students write papers that summarize, critique, and synthesize sources, leading to researched and …show more content…
Minimal Course Requirements
By the end of their second writing course, students will have written
• A variety of texts, including at least one researched essay, with opportunities for response and revision
• A minimum of 5000 total words (roughly 20 total pages of written work), as made clear by the grading procedures
Grading Procedure: Your assignments will be evaluated according to the department rubric established for Composition II. Written work will provide the major basis for the course grade. The grade percentages for the areas of work are as follows: Assignments Percentage Outcome
Summary/Critique of an argument essay (the essay is the source) [5-8 pages (1250-2250 words)]
Argument synthesis A (with sources)
[5-6 pages (1250-1500 words)]
Argument synthesis B (with sources)
[8-10 pages (2000-3000 words)]
Reflective Essay* [2-3 pages (500-750 words)]
1-3, 5-7
Weekly Writings/Other assignments/activities