Report (Covering LOs: 1-2) Weighting: 50%
Issue Date: 18th February 2013
Due Date: 25th March 2013
Look at the case scenario, plan, investigate and analyse the design and development requirements for a library reservation system under investigation.
The Canary Wharf Library
Libraries have been around for a very long time and they use various methods to reserve or loan out books and other items, and also to keep their records and data systems up-to-date. Historically, libraries operated manually and in most cases using face-to-face contacts and keeping paper records. The library management wants to move from the inefficient walk-in or telephone type of service provision to an automated system that also includes self-service kiosks and online reservation, loan and return services to be able to operate 24 hours and cater for various types of customers. Some libraries are much larger now with many customers to keep track of, with regard to types of facilities they provide, such as inter-library loans, online registration, reservation and loan facilities etc, and they have commissioned you to design a front end web system and report on how the system will provide facilities for the library services.
The system should have facilities to surf, register, reserve, loan, return, check and pay fines as necessary. The library requires more sophisticated methods of tracking customers and their preferences as well as all their details about each customer, fines and items borrowed.
The general requirements for a new customer are: in order for the customer to make a reservation and/or loan a library item, they need to register online with a first and last name, valid address, phone number, email address and password etc; and a unique library number /card will be provided to the customer. 4
The Brief:
You are assigned as a consultant to perform an analysis and produce a requirement specification for the library reservation system. Individually perform the analysis, system design and produce a well-defined report based on the requirements meeting usability and accessibility needs in the design of the system.
In order for you to come up with an adequate system, you should plan, research and evaluate at least 10 similar web systems to give you a feel of what will be expected of your system in relation to multimedia use and usability heuristics and accessibility compliance.
Write a final report that you will present to the board on how the proposed system will meet the users’ needs in terms of Usability and Accessibility issues.
THE REPORT – (2000 words)
The report should include some brief on