Covid Vaccination Research Paper

Words: 553
Pages: 3

Savannah Bradberry

Mrs. Scammacca

English 10- B

9 April 2024 Anti-Vacination Conspiracy Theories.

Avoiding the needle, unraveling the myths and conspiracy theories around vaccinations. Vaccinations are a worldwide hassle, but there are extreme people who take it to a whole new level. People believe that covid vaccinations cause mental health and immune system issues to form and other potential health risks go all the way to death. From fears of potential side effects to pharmaceutical downturns, the COVID phenomenon continues to be fearful to some. Although vaccines are beneficial for health, some believe that the covid vaccine is a risky vaccination because of the possible health risk. For starters, the covid vaccination is a hazardous vaccination only for the pure fact that, “scientists really did develop the vaccine in an incredibly short amount of time.” (Leggett) Which for
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Oggy Brewer states “I still believe in vaccinations and I don't have a negative feeling towards vaccinations, I just wish for better research before I had the vaccine.” His point proves that the research that took place for the COVID vaccine wasn't very thought out. Others state that the covid vaccination puts you at extreme risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome, which is a neurological disorder in which the immune system mistakenly starts to fight the peripheral nervous system, causing you to have weakness or tingling in the hands and feet that over a period of time will spread to the upper body and paralysis will occur. Secondly,