Crack Cocaine Research Paper

Words: 2550
Pages: 11

In the complex realm of substances and their usage, crack/cocaine addiction serves as a profound example of the intricate interplay between societal attitudes and individual experiences. This complexity is rooted in the political, social, communal, and economic status of individuals and governing bodies. Exploring the pharmacology of crack/cocaine highlights the harm it can cause to an individual, physically, mentally, and emotionally, extending well beyond the person and into the community. This paper will explore the multifaceted dimensions of crack/cocaine, investigate its historical context, and pharmacological effects, and examine societal perceptions and treatment paradigms through an anti-oppressive lens. Dissecting popular cultural representation through the usage of race, gender, class, and other intersecting identities will aid in …show more content…
The pharmacological impact of crack cocaine on individuals is profound and multifaceted. The initial euphoric high, followed by subsequent crashes, creates a cycle of chasing the elusive first experience, which is detrimental to overall health and well-being. The well-being of those who use crack cocaine can also affect their social and emotional state in various forms. Statistics show that people who use crack cocaine tend to not have lots of friends or emotional support around due to the usage of the drug placing a strain on familial relationships (Marchi et al., 2017). This is an interesting concept to consider when examining the usage of crack cocaine because familiar support and socialization is a massive part of human nature. It becomes imperative to examine all forms of support or lack of it when considering the impacts crack cocaine addiction has on one's life and how to rekindle or support this individual to the best of one's