The mandibles help the crayfish to walk, but the two in the front are like snappers which are very strong. The crayfish is a carnivorous creature; it only eats smaller fish and small crabs. On the head of the crayfish, there are two kinds of antennas: the big ones and then the small ones; the small ones are used for taste, and I guess a type of smell. The bigger ones are used for sensing things in the water. The abdomen is where all the intestines are located, such as the digestive system. Food goes down directly from the foregut to the esophagus. The foregut of a crayfish is double-chambered. The area closest to the front is the cardiac chamber; this chamber is a small compacted chamber. The cardiac chamber sorts out the food for the fish to digest. Then there is the pylorus, which is the bigger of the two. This is separated between the top and at the end of the ventral which leads to a surtein glan. This chamber is like a filter, this allows the intestine particles to reach the hepatopancreas, also known as the digesting