Aidan Morgan
Exploration 10 (H)
Mr. Procida
May 2, 2013
Evolution or Creation?: An Argument of The Ages In our extremely diverse world, sometimes it may seem that nothing is the same and everything has its own unique differences. However, there is one thing that everything in the universe has in common and that is a beginning. It has been the thought of philosophers and all humans alike for all of time. What or who is the origin of species? Throughout most of Quaternary existence, many believed that there was a definite answer to the great question, which was religion. That there was a god or many gods who created the world and everything in it. However in the "new age" of science and technology, research suggests, and strongly supports, that there is a scientific beginning to our universe and everything in it. This is what leads many to the argument that science is the beginning of life and not religion. Ever science there were humans there was ideology. The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, or personal God or gods has always existed. Up until recent memory the only thing people thought had the power to create such a vast and diverse world was some sort of god or gods. This is why the idea of religion still continues to supremely reign throughout the world. In fact, at points in time people were harshly penalized and sometimes killed if they had ideas opposing religion. To be honest, to one living in those times religion
Morgan 2 sounded like a more logical explanation as to where everything came from. Even today there are still some things that science can not prove, in which many fall to a god for the answer. Nonetheless, the idea of religion in correlation of the origin of species is very flawed. After the scientific revolution, religion progressively began to be proven faulty. Between 1650 and 1800 some evolutionists, such as Benoit de Maillet, produced theories that maintained that the universe, the earth, and life, had developed mechanically, without divine guidance. Although these people were thought as radicalists, their ideas would soon catch on. When Charles Darwin published his book "The Origin of Species," many would begin to reevaluate their ideas of origins. He provided the first cogent idea by which evolutionary change could withstand: his theory of natural selection. Darwin's theory succeeded in altering scientific opinion regarding the development of life and in producing a small philosophical revolution. Then comes the Big Bang theory. Its essential feature is the emergence of the universe from a state of extremely high temperature and density, that occurred 13.8 billion years ago. The big bang theory is based on two assumptions. The first is that Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity correctly describes the gravitational interaction of all matter. The second assumption, called the cosmological principle, states that an observer’s view of the universe depends neither on the direction in which he looks nor on his location. Both