“Ooh I got it! You like blues music and food right? We should go to B.B King’s Blues Bar!” After a minute of watching a video of their headlining band, I was sold.
The night of my birthday, I led my army of friends into the establishment with the intention to devour all their food and listen to some blues classics. After getting settled at our tables, Mr. Carl Stuart and his troupe of skilled musicians took the stage. Stewart held a shining black hollow body guitar, modeled after B.B King’s trusty Lucille, and …show more content…
As the festivities continued, Mr. Stewart bantered with the crowd only to be interrupted by our waitress with a post-it note. He grinned wildly,
“Uh oh! Looks like we have a birthday out there!” I could hear him tell me to stand up through the eruption of applause from my table.
“Alright folks… This note also says here that he’s a guitar player!” The bar exploded with strangers yelling at me to get up there.
My feet dragged my reluctant self towards the stage, however overwhelming panic was consumed by warm comfort. I whispered consoling thoughts to myself as I shook Stewart’s hand. My wishes came true as he handed me his legendary instrument. As I sat down in his chair he whispered in my ear that we were playing in B flat. With a snap of his fingers his band began the shuffle. As soon as the smooth jam started, my fingers raced up and down the neck. Stewart immediately turned around with a surprised expression.
“Wow guys! Only 16 years old! How about that?” Stewart boomed. With the audience’s approving applause my childish sense worry melted