Creative Writing: Down Came The Tree By Timmy Evans

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Pages: 3

“Us loggers found the best place in upstate Maine, in 1840 we started to chop and chop. Down came the tree one after another. The name is Timmy Evans and little did we know those trees were not our, according to 5-year old Lea L´evor she had to grow them, which was quite the funniest thing our group of taught loggers had ever heard. That was until we told her that we had to cut down them tree´s”. The young girls green eyes filled with a fury. At that point she looked up, and the stumps of the old trees start to shake. I swear on the sun that comes up every day that out of those stumps shot out new trees the same color of her hair. It sent our running camp screaming girls. All I know about Lea’s life was fine until age ten, the wildlife had doubled. No, tripled in size, her village thought it would be best to send her on …show more content…
Never sure of the reason why, but our village found out, Overnight the ivory vines from the forest had grown wrapping around our houses and I think one of them ate my old cow, Betty. The town was a like a pigpen. The girl was gone almost as she as fast as she came. I swear she tended to the plants around the village if my name isn't Jimmy Ore from Pennsylvania, those plants seemed sad”. “After leaving our small village, Lea found a baby deer all alone, it got stuck in a snare for a bunny. It’s family appeared to leave the small animal. Lea and the deer were almost like two peas in a pod. Lea thought the white detail on his dark brown fur earned him the name of Petiole after our little town she stopped by at the age of 10. Wandering from village to village she found herself in Mississippi. It was dryer than a barnyard cat”.
“Lea was around the age of 17 and Pithole standing 15 axe handles tall, making Mississippi a thriving Western-American state, by digging out a system of rivers, creating thousands of steep hills, valleys, and