Creative Writing: Murder At The Blue Ridge Hotel

Words: 1685
Pages: 7

Murder at the Blue Ridge Hotel

“Hurry up! We’re going to miss our flight!” Ashley’s mom, Carrie yelled sounding irritated.

“I’m coming, get off my back already!” Ashley called back as she ran down the stairs. Today they were going on vacation with her best friend Carter’s family, the Newmans. Carter had been Ashley’s best friend since birth. Carter’s mom, Jessica, was best friend with Carrie, Ashley’s mom.

‘HONK, HONK!’ the car horn sounded. That would be Ashley’s dad, Jace. He always had to be perfectly on time. Although it was probably Randal, Ashley’s brother, who talked him into honking. Randal loved to make fun of Ashley.

“Oh my gosh, you are slower than a turtle with a broken leg, walking through peanut butter.” Randal
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“Make me!” Randal shot back bitterly.

“Alright, both of you quit with the attitudes, before I cancel this vacation!” Jace said, the veins in his neck bulging.

“Oh no, you can’t do that. Then Ashley can’t hang out with her boyfriend, Carter.” Randal said, with an undeniably snarky tone.

“He’s not my boyfriend!” Ashley screamed in frustration.

“I said knock it of!” Jace yelled, the veins in his neck growing even more prominent.

The rest of the car ride was silent, but that didn’t stop the evil looks between Ashley and Randal. They arrived at the airport and rushed in to get their tickets.

“Four tickets from California to Georgia, please?” Carrie asked the lady at the ticket desk. Her name badge said Loretta.

“Names please?” Loretta said.

“We are the Turners; Carrie, Jace, and Randal. Oh, and Ashley.” Carrie said. Loretta typed into the computer then gave them their tickets. They rushed to the waiting area, and met up with Carter and his family.

“Oh thank goodness, my family has been such a pain today!” Carter exclaimed.

“Mine too, I seriously hate them.” Ashley agreed. You could hear the conviction in her
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Just get the police here as soon as you can. Then come into the front and act happy.” Mrs. Newman said sternly and without hesitation, left the room.

Mr. Newman could tell from his wife's voice that this was not a joke. He called and told the police the story, careful not to let Ashley overhear him. When he was done, he went to the front, where he and his wife shared a look of confirmation.

“Where’s Carter?” Ashley asked, sounding a bit too curious.

“He was very tired, so we decided to let him sleep for now. We will tell him the good news together in the morning.” mr. Newman answered too quickly, sounding very nervous. Luckily Ashley seemed convinced and didn’t question his reply.


The knocking on the door echoed in the small room.

“Open the door!” Shouted a voice.

Startled, Mrs. Newman jumped up.

“I’ll get it,” she said.

She opened the door and the police rushed in. They formed a circle around Ashley and arrested her. All Ashley saw as she was being taken away was Mr. and Mrs. Newman crying in the corner of the room.

Two months later, Mrs. Newman went outside to pick up the news from her front porch. The headline read, ‘Locals Murdered at the Blue Ridge Hotel.’ She brought the paper inside, gathered her family, and started