Creative Writing: The Cold War

Words: 461
Pages: 2

The skies were besieged with an unearthly darkness. The sable clouds swallowing the entire sky with its opaque ghosts of dirty mist-the sun blanketed with thick mossy onyx.
Soon, the earth was engulfed without mercy.

Everyone is dead-Everyone besides me. Numerous flashing waves of emotions and questions came over me. Why me? Why was I the lone survivor? As soon as those questions came to end I ended up with more questions than answers to a never ending torment of psychological disaster.
I looked down at my hands and noticed that my skin had turned pale before my eyes and, my fingers began to quiver uncontrollably; the fleshy tips of my fingers became numb as mulberry-purple discolored them. I caressed my lips with my tongue and noticed a
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Every five to ten agonizing minutes, my mouth began to bleed around the edges of my lips; bleeding, stopping, bleeding, stopping.

The dark brown earth never ceased in any direction. Rocks, trees, and debris littered the lifeless soil. As, I walked for endless miles under the dirty brown skies, I began to think of home and my family and my friends that had all been destroyed from the blast.
I can remember the last time that I held his head in my arms; his soft sandy brown hair tossed between my fingers like tiny straws of hay. I will never relinquish that captured moment when he smiled at me during those peak summer days; his face full of joy and ecstasy. The vibrancy of those days never leaves me.
As clouds of black smoke roamed passed, overhead, I could hear strange and fantastic noises that broke the sound-bearer of the sky. The sound was unlike anything I had ever heard; an ear-piercing blanket of shattering static. I tried, desperately, to block out the horrendous sound but to no avail. As soon as the sound came it dissipated off into the distance.

My lust for sustenance was growing unbearable. My mind began to drift under the vermillion sun; all of my senses were waning and my mind became like a cloudy container of heat and moister. Suffocating humidity, misty vision, and scaly skin became my miserable