Creative Writing: Windweavers

Words: 1924
Pages: 8

The forest looked just as inviting and pleasant in the daytime as I remembered. Maybe that was to lure stray travelers in to their deaths. No normal person would step in if they knew which forest this was. But if they didn't, and merely stumbled upon a lovely forest, they might venture in for a stroll.

Without my pack, walking felt too different. There was no easy balancing weight at my back, no constant pressure at my shoulders. I felt bare and light without my pack.

My notebook with its pencil was in one pocket, but it wasn't balanced by the weight of my knife in the other. Needless to say, I was very thrown off.

Once we started going, I fell to the back, so I could see then all, and none could see me without turning. This was the good
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Also known as Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit. 'Healers' didn't make much sense though, since spirit users could be either a healer, or a rotter. They both used the same magic, yet were complete opposites.

Azza, I would guess that she was either a burner or a terra. You could sometimes tell, just by personality.

Witch magic was hereditary, with some types being recessive and other dominant, so siblings usually had the same magic. I would guess water for Marina and Kieron.

Viorel, the little boy, he was too young to tell, and his magic faint. Witches weren't born able to control their magic. No, magic was hidden inside them, sleeping, until the Awakening. Most witches Awoke from twelve to fifteen. I Awoke at ten.

I was sure none were windweavers like me. Windweavers had been almost hunted to extinction in the Great War, and to make it worse, the gene was recessive, and also disappeared if it wasn't immediately activated.

Basically, in order to be a air witch, both your parents had to air witches. And with the low population numbers, very few air witches were born each year. That was one fact I held close to me whenever I started doubting whether my parents and Viren were my real family or
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It was way too hot, even though I knew it would quickly turn freezing.

I look around. Not that surprisingly, Bryan and Kelsea look dead beat after only a few hours of fast paced hiking. What was sorta surprising, was that the two children still looked full of energy, chasing after each other with joyous laughter.

What were their names again? I think the girl's was Katrina. I remembered the boy's started with a V, just like Viren. It was like....violin? Viola? I think it sounded like Viola.

Azza distributes the food. I get tossed a bruised apple along with what I guess was cheese. I assumed that she and Marina carried the bulk of the food supply, since they were the only ones who passed out food. What about water?

In my pack, I had put four waterskins, estinating that rationing one per day would do. But with the new knowledge of a month long trip, how would they have enough water?

I chewed on the bland tasteless cheese, immediately wishing I had saved some of my apple instead of devouring it. The cheese was quickly eaten as well.

At midday, the forest was even more sweltering hot. I summoned another breeze to cool myself off, or at least mix up the stale