Credulity In Voltaire's Candide

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Pages: 5

Then, Voltaire pointed out to some weird food. Voltaire reported that people used to eat a special meal while celebrating; which was a human body boiled very well. Voltaire confirmed that the Biglugs “cried out: it’s a Jesuit, a Jesuit! We’ll be revenged, and have a good meal: let’s eat some Jesuit, eat some Jesuit!” (Voltaire 125). Certainly, it is a nightmare that anyone can face a similar fate from some savage tribes. Through emphasizing the role of the Biglugs have taken, Voltaire gave another shock to the reader to live a terrible moment, which could either cause a panic of traveling to Africa, or go camping because they could imagine that, at every tree, there are many Biglugs waiting to attack them, or even get up to go to the restroom …show more content…
Too much innocence sometimes could become naivety when a person always trusts in others or believes what they tell. Voltaire, to have an incredible story, created the primary character as an unsophisticated hero who cannot distinguish between the right and the wrong, the fake and the real, the friend and the enemy. Voltaire presented Candide in the battle when he “finally made his way out of the war area, carrying a little food in his knapsack” (Voltaire 104). Voltaire used Candide to send a message to every person who could read his story that, during the war, people abandon their properties to save themselves, even if they have become called refugees. The knapsack means the luggage that the refugees could carry some food and clothes. According to, a website of the United Nations, which take care of societies, states that scene does not differ from what is going on nowadays of the big tsunami of refugees that cross the Mediterranean Sea aboard boats escaping from the war regions to save themselves and live a better life and overrunning the European countries (Migrant and refugee). Furthermore, Voltaire, through his writings, pointed out the similarities between that era and this one because he did not write about a unique culture or a country. As a result, the credulity is the fellow of every period to any individual has the same Candide’s style life that Voltaire wanted to