It was a chilly October night when we met up to have my parents drive us to the haunted house. We were getting ready to leave when …show more content…
But I am not without fear. I am terrified of facing college applications and deadlines. I worry over entering the new world of college and embarking on a journey completely alien to me. Having to decide on a career and being completely independent for the first time in my life is an intimidating, and an overwhelmingly unnerving concept. But most things worth doing are frightening. Change can be nerve-racking, but nevertheless, I am eager for what is to come. I can face my fears like Wiatt, who cowardly ran away from a frightening situation, or I can be like Michael, who was fearless. Trying to always be like Michael is unrealistic. There are going to be plenty of times when I am fearful. But, when I am afraid, I cannot deal with the situation like how Wiatt did; missing opportunities just because it is hard to overcome the fear that comes with uncertainties. In the future, I will face my fears head on with the confidence of knowing that it is okay to be scared, and it will, in the end, all be worth