Criminal Justice System Analysis

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Pages: 2

1. The criminal justice system utilizes two main computer systems in order to share information: the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS) (Miller & Whitehead, 2015). Both systems are utilized by every United States state and territory, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police network in Canada, and Interpol in France (Miller & Whitehead, 2015). NCIC is ran by the FBI. It is a database that includes arrest information, with all felony and some misdemeanor information, gathered over the last 30 years. Also included are stolen vehicles and property and individuals who are wanted for arrest (Miller & Whitehead, 2015). NLETS has no exclusive database. Instead, it links the computer systems previously mentioned. It has information beyond what is available through NCIC, including criminal records, driver’s license and vehicle registrations (Miller & Whitehead, 2015).

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All law enforcement agencies should have translated forms available. With the demographics of the United States becoming increasingly diverse, it is important that law enforcement officers have the ability to communicate with potential witnesses, victims, and suspects. When clear communication is crucial to the investigation or interaction between officers and individuals, such as in the waiving or acknowledgement of constitutional rights, a form written in a language that the subject is fluent in is extremely important. Without this being available and used by the officer, the subject’s understanding of the exchange can be subsequently questioned. Officers cannot ask an individual to sign a form that they cannot understand, and if they cannot prove that the individual could understand the form at the time they singed, said form could be deemed null and void in