Criminal Justice System Research Paper

Words: 872
Pages: 4

The criminal justice system isn’t always fair. In this country justice no longer exists. Frequently, police and media only judge individuals by the way they look. They can arrest you without any evidence. They arrest you for small crimes and give you years in prison. Families are being affected by the police’s choice. Unfortunately, the United States criminal justice system is not effective because it has one of the highest rates of incarceration, impacts families and communities, and in addition carries out policies in unjust and discriminatory ways.
The United States has one of the highest percentage of prisoners in the world who are locked up for small crime they’ve made. “Inmate Court in U.S. Dwarfs Other Nations’ ” from The New York Times
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Former prisoners can't be financially stable if they can no longer find a good job. According to “Prison and The Poverty Trap” from The New York Times by John Tierney the article states, “It has become a routine event for poor African-American men's and their families creating and enduring disadvantage at the very bottom of American society.” African-American families stay in poverty once the person who makes the money goes to jail. It's important to know that once you get out of prison it's no longer easy to find well paying jobs. The article also states, “The only job he could find was at a laundry, where he sorted soiled linens for $8.25 an hour, less than half the typical wage for a man at his age but not unusual for someone who just got out of prison.” This article states that Carl Harris is struggling to be financially stable due to him being a former prisoner. Many jobs don't want to hire former prisoners because they believe that they will continue doing the crime they did. Their families are being affected because they can’t get a sufficient jobs. The media only shows one part of the issue that is happening within …show more content…
An African-American teenager named Tyquon has been arrested multiple times do to his appearance. According to the video “Stop and Frisk in New York.“ Tyquon states, “I’ll say it happens 4-5 times a month… By the time I was 15-18 i would say I was stopped and frisk, at least 60-70 times.” This video is showing us the people's point of view. Tyquon said that he has been arrested 4-5 times a month just because of his skin color and because he would be out to walk around or just hanging with his friends. Out of those 60-70 time not once was he charged for anything. He was just released at about 4am every time. By doing that they are messing with their heads, they are traumatized and that’s not okay. We should feel safe around police; not afraid every time we see them. They’re not doing their jobs right, their taking advantage of their position. They are just judging a book by it’s cover. #iftheygunnedmedown hashtag means that when social media post a picture of African American’s they only showing the negative side and don’t show their life story is showing that the media uses certain images of people to make them look threatening. They uses the images to justify most people of color. If someone stole a sneaker bar and the news was to cover it what picture do you think their going to choose. A graduating picture or one where they have their middle finger up. People don’t know the whole story of why she did what she