Critical Reflection On Health Care

Words: 519
Pages: 3

Critical reflection on the performance of the current healthcare financing system and suggested recommendations for improvement:
The system could do with strengthening and/or transforming health services management by developing health care models that meet the current needs of people and communities, enhancing capacity of the primary level of care through joined health services all aligned with a primary health care strategy. Proper health analysis through surveys, studies to identify health inequities with the population groups could be vital in getting to the bottom of health determinants (Kruk, M.E et al,2016). However, this would require sound information systems and embarking on designing a comprehensive, quality, universal and progressively elastic health service, reflecting and responding to current health needs and priorities, system capacity, and national context (White, F. 2015). Facilitation of empowering of individuals and communities with view of knowledge transfer so that they gain health literacy and know their health situation and their rights
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Quality of Service user dissatisfaction at 57.8% with the health system in the country for both public and private from a health survey conducted in 2004 reported nearly 72% of the private plan users expressing dissatisfaction, compared to 53.3% dissatisfaction among SUS users (WHO, 2004). Another survey, conducted by the Ministry of Health together with the national council of Health Secretariats (Conass) in 2003, showed that more than 90% of the Brazilian population uses some SUS services. According to the survey, the waiting lines in hospital emergency rooms, the long waiting period for exams and surgeries, and the health units’ inability to take patients were frequent complaints among SUS