Critical Thinking Skills: Experiemental Psychology

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Pages: 8

Critical thinking skills are defined in our textbook “Discovering the Scientist Within” as, the process of actively evaluating, applying, analyzing, and synthesizing information. Critical thinking skills are useful in almost every activety people do everyday. For example, choosing which is the best technique to use when teaching your child how to read or choosing which meal your family would bebefit from the most. This semester in Experiemental Psychology we learned to sharpen our critical thinking skills and how to use them in a more scientific setting. We learned how to harvest our critical thinking skills and apply them to scientific method used to perform psychology experiemtns. In our class experiement where we studied if weight had …show more content…
Picking the right method and design for our class experiemtn was crucial because both things could have potential affected our results. The reason why I believe this is, because my group chose a research method that was not the best fit for our group project and we ended up finding no evidence that supported our hypthesis. I believe that if we would of chose another method we could have found significant results that supported our hypothesis. This semester I learned that critical thinking skills are an important part of experiemental psychology.

A hypothesis, according to our texr “Discovering the Scientist Within”, is an educated prediction that provides a testable explanation of a phenomenon. Hypothesis are created through curiosity of any phenomenon we may notice in our world. Hypothesis are the answers to the questions
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Before this course I was a little organized but after this course I feel like an organization master. If my group experiment taught me anything it was orgnanization. From the beginning of the semester while performing our class study I realized that alot of time, planning, attention to detail, and organization went into excuecuting an experiemnt. After our first group meeting I quickly started a group schedule for my group and set goals, so things would run as smooth as possible. I recognized that without project management we were not going to get everything done by the deadline. Without planning everything ahead of time and staying on schedule I do not think we would of had a completed group experiemnt. I definetly learned that project manangement is key in everyhting I do. This semester in general was a chaotic semester for me inbetween working a fulltime and part time job and being a full time student these project management skills I aquired early in the semester helped me out of some tough situations. Without my project management skills I would of had a mental breakdown and would of ended up with C’s in my classes. I am greatful to this class because I gained multiple skill sets that have helped me in my college career and will continue to help me throughout my future career. Other skills I learned or strengthen during this process were problem