The strengths focused at Cross Fit are to slowly increase your weight lifting you put on or use during the workouts. When I began my first week at Cross Fit, the number of weight on my bar was less than 100 lbs. I looked around and saw all the other members with a high number of weights on the bar. As you continue to attend on a daily basis, you slowly see the improvements on the weight increasing on your bar. From maxing out on my first dead lift my weight was 210 lbs. Three weeks later, we maxed out again on dead lifts and I increased forty lbs. Strength Performance Xtreme, we use colored thick bands to assist with the pull-ups. The green band is for beginners and as you improve you advance to a thin blue band. I was on a green thick assistant band and now I moved up to a blue thick assistant band. My trainer will not let me go back to the green band because it is lack of improvement and I digress.
The Cross Fit workouts are competitive. You can compete with your own previous score; compete against a partner of yours in class or at a competition event.