Cruel Tactics In African American History

Words: 716
Pages: 3

In American history, Africans in the United States suffered greatly during the enslavement of their people, but also showed great resilience. Doesn’t matter what gender or age you were, all were treated in a cruel manner, some even worse than others. After seeing the image of Peter showing his scarred back to a doctor, we’re exposed to just a small part of the daily life African American slaves face. This essay will discuss the many cruel tactics African American slaves went through during enslavement at the hands of slave owners, and the fearless ways they resisted. African American slaves' daily lives consisted of constant abuse, not only physical, but mental as well. “Before enlisting in a black regiment, he was examined by military doctors, …show more content…
This mental and physical abuse was used to dehumanize and rule the African American people at the time, making sure to continuously reiterate who was in power. The daily threat of not only physical/mental violence, but the thought of families being separated, and as well as basic human rights being denied, were used to keep the enslaved African Americans “in check.” African American slaves were exposed to sexual exploitation and violence, but were not only limited to just women, but men as well. “The sexual exploitation of enslaved people was a facet of enslavement in Virginia that took many forms for both women and men. Enslavers sexually assaulted and abused enslaved individuals, demanded reproduction from them to enhance their own bottom lines, and otherwise used the bodies of the enslaved for monetary gain, pleasure, and punishment (Sexual Exploitation of the Enslaved).” This quote shows African Americans were constantly abused, faced the threat of rape, used for pleasure, and sometimes even forced to reproduce with their slave owner to “enhance their own bottom lines,” all leading to not just physical trauma, but psychological trauma as