It demonstrates through the complexity inherent in all that takes place that it is not true that people are pure until society corrupts them, but neither are people inherently evil. The molten furnace of human emotion is channeled by social pressure and personal biases, and this is what causes cruelty. Human emotion is at the heart of cruelty, but most people will not act upon it without a cause, something that to them justifies their actions. The book shows us how easy it is to justify hurting someone else to help yourself. The message of Mice and Men then is that we should consider what effects our actions will have on other people. The author tries to show us that sometimes we have to put others above ourselves. Selfishness is the ultimate root of all cruelty. Whether it is emotion or desire for advancement, our lack of empathy is the cause of so much of what is wrong in the world. Now that you know why people are cruel, go back to your mental image. The bullies are beating up a kid. Why? What are you going to do about