Cs Lewis Beliefs

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Pages: 7

Throughout history there have been many great authors. Some have even dared to be bold enough to share religious views. Author C.S. Lewis was one of those brave enough to share the faith. C.S. Lewis was a phenomenal author who used his writings to unmask the wonders of salvation, to illustrate the love of Christ, to profess the Word of God, and in part share his own personal journey.
Lewis was born in Belfast, Ireland, on November 29, 1898 (Lindsley, 1). He and his older brother played together, created games, and read the many books that lined the hallways and the attic of their home. Lewis's mother died while he was still young, ending the settled happiness of his childhood. He describes his loss of security in the imagery that "the great
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‘The fool has come. Bind him fast. ’Bind him, I say!’ repeated the White Witch.” (Lewis, 151).This section somewhat resembles the events that took place after the trial of Jesus where he was ordered to be bound and beaten following his sentence.
“Another roar of mean laughter went up from the followers as an ogre with a pair of shears came forward and squatted down by Aslan’s head. Snip-snip-snip went the shears and masses of curling gold began to fall to the ground (Lewis, 153).” This portion depicts how Jesus was stripped naked before he was nailed to the cross.
The next littles sections of the book mirror how the people thought Christ to be dead, and how two women came to take care of his body as Lucy and Susan took off the muzzle. The rest of the passage illustrates Christ’s resurrection. There are a few more biblical symbols that Lewis snuck into the book such as the Stone table that represents the cross Aslan defeating the White Witch which stands for the defeat of Satan by Christ’s victory over the grave.
In regards to Lewis’s book Mere Christianity, he is teaching people about some of the many aspects of Christianity. Lewis was a defender of the Word (Christopher, 115), which might have fueled him to write a book that teaches these