Cultural Changes In American Culture

Words: 606
Pages: 3

American sports can give anyone that has the drive and determination to work to become the best at their sport. In the process of having people work for their goals of being the best, they will often time change not only themselves but everything around them. Professional sports are at the forefront of the media and so whenever anything happens in the sports world the entire population will hear about it. These things combined will often times lead to a change in the American culture. One recent example of how the culture changed from sports was when Ray Rice punched his wife. Ray Rice was the star running back for the Baltimore Ravens in the National Football league (NFL), on February 14th, 2014, was arrested for assaulting his fiancé Janay Palmer at the Revel Casino in …show more content…
Because of this the NFL changed its original punishment from a two game suspension to being suspended indefinitely. State governments have also become the center of criticism by people to change the laws against domestic violence. Domestic violence has always been a part of the American culture and over the years hasn't had much support to improving it but as soon as a famous sports athlete gets caught the support against eliminating domestic violence from the American culture significantly grows. The likely hood of the culture of domestic violence changing is almost inevitable. Not everything in sports will lead to a social change but there are the events or people that will accelerate the change. One person that accelerated social change was Jackie Robinson, the first black professional baseball player. On April 15th, 1947 the Brooklyn Dodgers started Robinson at first base and officially starting racial integration in professional baseball. Robinson earned his legacy from not only be the first black player but is more known for his ability as a player and his