Cultural Competence In Australia

Words: 443
Pages: 2

Cultural competence covers all borders beyond ethnicity and race. This is very important when dealing with families and children from various communities. In this paper we shall consider the working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. They are a group of people found in Australia. As a professional, it is important to put into consideration that it is important to maintain Australia's reconciliation and equity agendas when dealing with these families (Dahlberg, & Moss, 2005). It is the teacher’s role to ensure that the gap in current educational outcomes is bridged in the working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families of Australia. The community contribute to a better outcome of education when the children's programme reflects their culture. The programme should have some aspect of their beliefs and values (Martin, 2005). …show more content…
Another approach is taking steps to teach custodianship of the indigenous environment. One school in particles implemented this technique. They had no students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families decided to look for an Aboriginal teacher to teach the students the history of the tribe. The Elder spoke about the language, food; Education and Torres of passage of the Aboriginal people (Martin, 2005). The children were so fascinated and excited by the new information. They talked about it for days. The principle thought it would be a wise idea to include the parents too. A meeting was set with the families and the Elder. They all learnt a lot about the Culture and how to appreciate it which really helped a lot (Kennedy,